You Don't Need To Work For A Large Company To Get Group Health Insurance Coverage
One of the benefits that many people enjoy when working for a large company is access to employee health care. This is because traditionally speaking, large employers were the only ones who could meet the requirements associated with purchasing group health insurance coverage. Since group health insurance plans often come with much lower premiums, having access to this coverage gave employees the ability to save a considerable amount of money on their health care coverage. Nowadays, the requirements associated with these policies have changed. Consequently, you no longer need to work for a large company in order to take advantage of the money saving opportunity that group health insurance coverage provides. Read on to learn more about some of the ways you can take advantage of this opportunity even if you do not work for a company that is able to offer this particular benefit.
Self Employed Individuals Can Come Together To Form A Group
Securing affordable health insurance is a problem that many self employed individuals face. Oftentimes these individuals do not even consider the option of getting group insurance because they work by themselves and therefore do not qualify as a group. However, it is possible for self employed individuals to qualify for group coverage by joining together to form their own group. In order for this group to qualify under insurance rules, the group will need to be joined together by a common ground. For instance, you can choose to form a group that includes freelance contractors in a specific geographical location.
Community Organizations Often Qualify As A Group
If there are not enough interested parties in your local area to form a group based around your profession, you may wish to look to community organizations in your area. These organizations are already formed around a common interest or other common ground. Consequently, these organizations are already viewed as a group under the rules set forth by most insurance companies. If multiple members of a single organization are interested in purchasing health insurance, these individuals will be eligible to apply for group coverage.
Small Business Owners Can Expand Their Group By Looking Beyond Their Employees
One of the reasons that many small business owners do not offer their employees health insurance coverage is that they simply do not employ enough people to secure a low enough rate. If you are a small business owner, you can remedy this issue by looking beyond your employees for potential qualifying members of your group. For example, you may wish to open your group to the family members of all current and retired employees.