First Time Buying Life Insurance? Use These Tips To Help You

20 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If your family depends on your income to live, buying a good life insurance policy can help protect them when you pass away. However, if you have never bought a policy before, you might not know what you need to be looking for. Here are some tips that will help you select a policy that is suitable for your family.

Determine Whether You Need a Whole Life or Term Life Policy

There are two types of life insurance: whole life and term life.  Whole life policies are in place from the time you buy them until you die, offering benefits to your family at that point. Term life policies only last for a specific time period, and for that reason, these types of policies are typically less expensive. You might buy a term life policy if you only want to be financially responsible for your children until they grow up and start making their own income, for example.

Choosing between a term and whole life policy can be difficult. You have to think about your family's ability to replace your income after you pass away, and you need to think about what your current budget will allow for. Talk to your spouse and other family members about which choice might be best for you, and use online calculators for an idea of how much insurance you should buy.

Make Sure Both Parents Have Coverage

If you or your spouse is a stay-at-home parent, you may not feel both of you need to secure life insurance coverage. However, if a stay at home parent passes away, the family may need to replace the services provided by that parent, such as transportation and cooking meals. Insuring both parents can be a good way to provide a good financial future for the entire family.

Update Your Policy

You need to remember to update your life insurance policy. Births, deaths, marriages and other life events may affect who your beneficiaries are and how much life insurance your family needs. You may wish to review your policy every year at the same time, perhaps during the holidays or around your birthday so you always remember to do it.

After reading this article, you should have a better idea of what you need to keep in mind while shopping for the best life insurance policy for your family. Work with an experienced insurance agent who can help you find the perfect policy.
